Kindler and Company Insights

Navigating Transparency: Building Trust Through Open Communication Jul 19, 2024

How can we, as leaders, transform transparency from a buzzword into a living, breathing part of our organizational culture?

As the business world evolves at breakneck speed, this is a common hurdle for many, effective communication is more crucial than ever.

Transparency isn't merely a trendy...

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Revealing the Psychology Behind Persuasive Leadership Communication Jun 27, 2024

Utilizing Psychological Insights to Enhance Leadership Communication and Drive Team Success

I remember the CEO of one of the big pharmaceutical companies standing up on stage in front of almost 1000 employees. I didn’t envy him. 

It’s not that he needed to deliver bad...

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Leading Thoughts: A Primer for Impact and Influence leadership Apr 29, 2024

“How do I land a TEDx talk?” It’s one of the more common questions I get from clients and prospective clients. My answer is always the same: “Why do you want a TEDx talk?” 

Their response is often that they want to increase their brand. This question is not...

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Beyond the Pitch: Leading Thoughts at SXSW - Mindshare, Not Market Share, Leading Thoughts at SXSW communication tips entrepreneurship how to communicate better team alignment Mar 17, 2024

I recently returned from SXSW in Austin for a week of learning and connection. I will share more about this experience in a later post, but I did see many speakers selling from the stage. To me, this is a real turn off. One speaker said, “As you’ll discover in my book…”...

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Maximizing Your Impact & Potential as Leader: The Power of Peer Networks communication tips entrepreneurship how to communicate better leadership communication Jan 29, 2024

I am just starting a coaching session with a C-Suite leader. We are a few weeks post-holiday season, and I playfully joke, “Are you still in post-holiday bliss?” 


She immediately opens up about a number of challenges she and her executive team are facing at her company,...

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Your Unwritten Story: A Year-End Call to Action Dec 14, 2023

At this time of year, many of us stop and reflect on the highs and the lows of the past year, and we look forward to the year ahead. The end of the calendar year and the beginning of the next is a natural yet arbitrary prompt. 


But I say, why wait?


For me, 2023 was a year of...

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December Communicate with Impact for Tech Leaders Webinar Recap communication tips entrepreneurship how to communicate better storytelling Dec 05, 2023

In December we ran a webinar on how to communicate with impact as a tech leader! Tune in to get tangible and actionable tips.

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The Acatenengo Chronicles: Ascending Beyond Negative Narratives communication tips entrepreneurship storytelling Nov 13, 2023

I recently shared a post about my hike up Acatenengo in Guatemala and the negative stories that I needed to either edit or ignore to get to the top (read it here).


This idea that we are the stories we tell ourselves is not new. Motivational speakers and psychologists have been spreading...

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Tom Benson's on Working with Kindler & Company: Unveiling the Effectiveness of a Powerful Coaching Process article how to communicate better leadership communication Oct 06, 2023

In the realm of professional growth and development, the impact of effective coaching cannot be overstated. We sat down with Tom Benson, an individual who recently experienced a transformative coaching journey with Nick Kindler and his company. Tom's insights shed light on the potency of the...

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Articulating Your Purpose as a Speaker communication tips how to communicate better leadership communication tedx Jul 10, 2023

As a speaker, whether you're delivering a keynote address, presenting a sales pitch, or simply engaging in a conversation, it's essential to have a clear understanding of your purpose. Articulating your purpose as a speaker is important for several reasons, and can help you deliver a more...

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Event Recap: Communicate with Impact communication tips how to communicate better Jun 30, 2023

Check out a recording of our webinar on how to Communicate with Impact!

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3 Questions to Simplify Complexity Jun 16, 2023

At Kindler & Co we spend a lot of time working with leaders & teams on simplifying complexity so they can be better communicators. We coach our clients to answer 3 easy questions. Watch this 2-minute video to learn what they are.

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