Kindler and Company Insights

The Art of Alignment Webinar Recording communication tips how to communicate better leadership communication team alignment May 22, 2023

As a leader, how do you move people forward when everyone has a different perspective? How do you cut through the clutter and get everyone onboard with your vision, so you can move your organization where it needs to go?

From the steps you take, to the words you use, getting people aligned is a...

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How to Build Alignment With Your Team communication tips how to communicate better May 07, 2023

Alignment is when everyone on your team is on the same page. It may sound simple, although there is a lot more to it than we think. At Kindler and Company we work with a lot of leaders to help them build alignment in the right way - here's the first step. If it sounds simple, it's not. Alignment...

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The Power of Storytelling When Communicating communication tips how to communicate better storytelling Mar 20, 2023

Let Me Tell You a Story

“Click. Click. Click.”


 I remember listening to the sound. 


I remember opening the door to my father's office at the hospital, hoping I would hear “the” sound.


When I was a young child, my mother would occasionally...

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3 Easy Tips to be a Better Communicator in 2023 communication tips how to communicate better Jan 10, 2023

Being a better communicator can be as easy as starting with these three easy tips that you can implement right away! Whether it's for your next presentation, a talk you're giving, or communicating something important to your partner these tips can help you be more clear in what you want to...

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The Connective Tissue of Storytelling article Mar 17, 2022

by Nick Kindler

A good friend recently recommended an audiobook called “A Swim in the Pond in the Rain” by George Saunders. It’s an exploration of how great writing works, how great stories are written, and what they can do to and for the reader and listener.

The book shares some...

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Change Your Algorithm video Mar 10, 2022

Do you feel attacked when someone brings up an opposing opinion or viewpoint? I firmly believe that communication is deeply rooted in understanding and empathy, it's not a us versus them algorithm.

The beauty of differing ideas is that when they come together, even if there is some friction,...

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Communication Is A Practice video Mar 02, 2022

We've all heard the adage, "Practice makes perfect" at some point in our lives. When it comes to communication, do you think of it as a skill that needs to be practiced? I'd wager that most individuals take the ability to communicate for granted.

Communication is a skill that needs to be...

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